The measuring unit the meaning of K, M, G, T
We currently used K, M, G, T, etc are in English, said method are respectively Kilo (103), Mega (106), Giga (109), Tera's shorthand (1012), a larger and Peta (1015), Exa (1018), Bronto (1021), etc.Although now commonly used in English representation, our broad and profound Chinese culture during the great number of descriptions are also no less.Xu Yue of the eastern han dynasty's "the legacy but remember," is fully documented China says the number of numerals, from small to large, in turn, for one, ten, hundred, thousand, million, million (108), trillion (1012), Beijing (1016), note (1020), Zi (1028) (1024), would be, ditch (1032), jian (1036), is (1040), the mount (1044), after as Buddhism spread and cultural exchanges, and increased the pole (1048), the Ganges river sand monk only o (1052), (1056), the (1060) by him, incredible (1064), (1068), (1072), such as large Numbers of the following is a decimal, all above are to carry.Can be found from the above, China several times in 104 to qualify for the unit, and the west in 103 to qualify for the unit, differ in the use of habits, this also caused the numerals in both English and Chinese on the corresponding inconvenience.Maybe it is because of numerals in both English and Chinese on the corresponding inconvenience caused early scholars on "mega" this unit is not properly translated.Obviously, the ancient Chinese have "mega" of this unit, its size is also very clear, for 1012.But in 1987 published by science press prefixes are marked "mega" corresponds to the "M" in English and the size of 106199 1 year published by the Marine industry legal measurement units used manual also used for the usage, thus caused the domestic chaos on the unit using "mega".Although at present the use of "mega" for 106 has been very common, but to respect China's traditional culture, we should restore the true nature of "mega", in Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Japan in the specified prefix system, the size of the "mega" is 1012, and 106 is called millions.